“When you are inspired by some great purpose…”
“… some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.”
— The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
In reviewing, contemplating and introspecting my OWN goals for the 2024 year, I came across some “NEW” Yogi Resolutions:
4 New Year's Resolutions for Yogis
Read more about yoga history (including Iyengar's Light on Yoga or The Yoga Sutras)
Read more about other yogic paths, including karma and bhakti yoga.
Reflect on the different elements of yama and niyama.
Take extra time to meditate.
Try a vegetarian or vegan diet.
These are pretty good.
However, I mean… to be honest, I know some very skilled Yoga Instructors who are not vegetarian nor vegan. And that lifestyle choice isn’t for everyone. (Nevertheless, it does use the verb “Try” a vegetarian…)
That’s ok.
I guess.
I am a big fan of “Read more about other yogic paths, including karma and bhakti yoga”. This I highly purport as something all people should put into practice. The practice of Karma Yoga involves performing an action without any expectation of any reward in return.
Whatever you choose, let it ring true to your heart and to your spirit; for then it becomes meaningful and profound to you.
As you maneuver through the coming of the new year, we at Mosaic Yoga wish for your PEACE within your mind, body and spirit. May you dine with loved ones; sleep in warm shelter; converse in harmony and joy.