Breath of Joy

A Holiday Tradition

Your breath pattern for this exercise will be “inhale, inhale, inhale, exhale” (inhaling through your nose, and exhaling strongly through your mouth while making a “ha” sound).

Begin by standing with your feet parallel, a little wider than hip-distance apart, with knees softly bent.

• Inhale (but only about a third as much as you could), as you sweep your arms forward and up to shoulder height, elbows bent and palms facing upward.

• Inhale again (another third) as you sweep your arm out to the side, again at shoulder height, and with palms up and elbows bent.

• Take the final third of your inhale as you sweep your arms forward and overhead (as you would for urdhva hastasana, upward salute), palms facing in.

• Exhale powerfully through your mouth, making a “ha” sound, as you bend your knees a little more, hinge forward, and sweep your arms back behind you.

• Then inhale right back up into your next round. If it feels good, you can do up to ten rounds. When you’re finished, take a moment or two to rest in stillness. Notice how you feel before returning to the rest of your practice or the rest of your day.


“When you are inspired by some great purpose…”


NOVEMBER THEME:                           Heart Openers with Backbone