February Love

Yoga teaches us to tune into the relationship that we have with ourselves by connecting our breath, body, and mind. As the awareness of this relationship grows, we discover our strengths and weaknesses, as well as ideas of success, failure, balance, and imbalance.

During this time of the year the subject of love begins to appear more and more. The days following the New Year are a great time to go deep and explore the different aspects that make up the world of love.

Self-love and Compassion

There will be times in life when you feel unloved or under appreciated, especially when you let the stresses of daily life take over. It’s times like this when it’s important to slow down and change the voice in your head from judgmental to loving.

When you embrace self-love and compassion, you are able to accept yourself and your flaws. By taking an hour or so out of your day to focus on your own well-being and happiness  you can create a healthier you.

Finding new ways to explore these feelings can sometimes be difficult, but with the help of these five self-love Yoga Poses, you can learn how to appreciate your mind, body, and soul.

Camel Pose

Camel Pose is a deep, yet beginner-friendly backbend. This heart opener yoga pose stretches the front of our body while strengthening the back.

Bow Pose

Bow Pose is another backbend that encourages an open heart! It supports sensory integration and  helps us energize by expanding the breath.

Upward Facing Dog

The benefits of Upward Facing Dog pose are endless: it improves posture, stretches the upper body and opens the chest, and even relieves stress and fatigue.

Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose is a heart opener that fires up the core while improving our balance and digestion. It is the perfect antidote for a mid-afternoon slump, and can release our low back and hip tightness too.




“When you are inspired by some great purpose…”