The theme for March is Sauca/Saucha, or purity. We can relate this cleanliness both to our mind and body. So how can we summon Saucha on and off the mat? Establish a consistent practice: When we heat the body through strong breath and strong movement, we purify the body from the inside out.
While the physical part of yoga is most well known to most, our Downward Dogs are only the tip of the iceberg. Yogic philosophy tells us that yoga actually contains eight limbs, or non-sequential steps: yamas (restraints), niyamas (observances), asana (poses), pranayama (breath), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (focus), dhyana (state of meditation), and Samadhi (bliss).
Our teachers at Mosaic may teach and explore the first two, yamas and niyamas.
Yamas and niyamas concern our behavior, lifestyle, how we respond and react to events and environment, as well as the way we deal with problems. More specifically yamas refer to the way we interact with others, and niyamas concern our attitude towards ourselves.