Is SLC the new Phoenix?(Hmmmm, I wonder…)
June in Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas can look like a painting. The colors spread across the valley like a huge canvas showing off a spectrum of hues; it’s spectacular!
I feel joy during the morning and evening transitions.I feel fortunate to be able to take all of this in.
But the middle of the day? Well, that can be a scorching experience! Ugh! Errands around the house like gardening & outside painting require early morning hours to be conducted. The heat can become too dangerous to be THAT exposed.
So, are we becoming Phoenix? Gosh, I hope not (sorry Phoenix people). I love my canvas of colors across the valley and the ability to escape the heat by seeking mountain elevation. Thank you Salt Lake City!
5 Yoga Poses for the Summer Solstice
1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Ground into your feet and connect to the power of the earth in this stabilizing mountain pose. When we stand on the peak of a tall mountain, we are also reaching closer to the sun, accessing more of this potent energy. Similarly, when we stand in a mountain pose, we can grow upwards from the rooting into the earth to reach towards the sun's energy and harness this power within us.
2. Forward Fold Pose (Uttanasana)
The high energy of the summer solstice must be balanced with more grounding and calming poses. Forward fold poses are well known as the best way to relax the nervous system and reconnect to the earth. The rag doll variation of this posture is an even more therapeutic option that can help calm down your mind and restore your body at the same time.
3. Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)
Warrior 2 is a more energizing pose, but when practiced with a calming awareness, it can be highly stabilizing for your body and mind. Try to focus on rooting into your feet in this pose. Remember, only practice at 80% of your average capacity in this posture to gain the benefits of this pose without building too much heat or imbalance in your body.
4. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Cobra pose is an enlivening backbend posture that opens the chest and stimulates your internal organs to support the digestive system. The flowing movement of the snake through the grass reminds us of the flowing nature of the sun's energy and reconnects us to this inner movement. Opt for a baby cobra variation and focus on grounding your pelvis towards the earth for a more relaxing practice.
5. Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)
The summer solstice is a common day for people to practice a yoga mala, which is 108 sun salutations in a row. But according to Ayurveda, this practice can actually create too much heat in the body, which is contraindicated during the peak of heat for pitta season. Instead, try practicing your sun salutations slowly with mantra chanting to praise the power of the sun as it shines down on you and reminds you of your inner light as well.