Yoga Seasons

Did you know that there are seasons to yoga?



Well, yoga follows the body

And, the body follows yoga.

Makes Sense.

The flowers are blooming; the birds are singing; and people are digging their hands in the soil. Spring is in the air! But is spring in your yoga practice? Spring is a time of renewal, transformation, and letting go of the old to make room for the new. The spring energy is all around us, and these six tips will help you harness the spirit of spring in your yoga practice.

Energize your practice

Winter, a season of hibernation and burrowing in, often manifests within us as lethargy. We carry onto old weight to protect us from the cold, harsh season. Spring is the perfect time for us to rise out of winter’s lull with fresh energy. While you might be in the habit of choosing yin and restorative yoga classes, opt for fierier classes for the next few months: vinyasa, hot yoga, and power yoga are just a few options. By building this heat within, you can burn out the old junk you have been carrying and set yourself up for a successful spring.

  • Detox your gut

April and May are the perfect time for some hefty spring cleaning. Most of us hold our old habits, exhausted emotions, and holiday indulgences in our gut. Incorporate a few extra twists and kapalabhati (breath of fire) into your practice to help clear out everything you don’t need anymore or try a deeper spring cleaning cleanse.

  • Be playful

During spring, joy and fun are all around as new life begins. Watch the animals play in the grass or listen to the birds chirp in the trees. New life inspires a sense of playfulness that we can embrace in yoga practice as well. Embody playfulness in your practice by going for poses you normally shy away from, laughing instead of cringing whenever you fall, trying laughter yoga, and taking it all a little less seriously. 

  • Practice outside

It is finally warm enough to practice outside, so let’s celebrate. It does not matter if it’s in your backyard or in the mountains, practicing outside in any way is a great chance to connect to nature. Breath in the fresh air, dig your hands into the moist dirt, and celebrate the incredible earth we have been blessed with. As you rest in savasana (Corpse pose) at the end of your practice, enjoy the special bliss that only practicing yoga outside can bring.

  • Awaken new vibrations

Those who think and talk about spiritual energy say that spring is a time of intense vibrations. The entire planet is working to shed the old tired ways of winter and embrace a brighter, more alive state of being. This transformation is tangible and contagious. Like a snake that sheds its skin, celebrate spring by shedding your winter layer and opening up to the energy of the season. Start with this simple spring meditation. Embracing the shift of spring and opening yourself to new possibilities can bring massive change. 

  • Keep it fresh

Spring is the perfect time for a fresh start. This spring, try a type of yoga you have never done before like paddleboard or acro yoga. View every yoga class as a fresh start. Forget what came before and don’t worry about what might come next. Take every class—or for that matter every asana and every breath—as a chance to be something entirely new.



Summer Solstice


Practicing Patience