The Value of a Yoga Pose Depends on What is Happening Beneath the Surface.
“Yoga? But I’m not flexible!”
This is a very common response I hear when I suggest yoga to my patients. There seems to be a common misunderstanding that in order to practise yoga one must be able to twist and turn into pretzel like shapes all the while maintaining a calm smile and long slow breaths.
If you can maintain the calm smile and long slow breaths that is great but there is absolutely no pretzel-ing necessary! In fact the asanas (postures) are but one aspect of yoga in its entirety.
Yoga itself is a philosophy developed to guide personal growth toward spiritual enlightenment. The physical yoga practised in the west is one of 8 steps in this process. Others include pranayama (breathing practice), pratyahara (turning inward), dharana (concentration), and dhyana (meditation). If you have ever done a yoga class you will likely recognize that these aspects tend to be interwoven throughout the class to varying degrees depending on the class, studio, and teacher.
By moving your body into different, challenging, and sometimes awkward poses yoga shows you your edge – your physical limits. It is all about being patient with your body, respecting your body, and loving your body enough to embrace your current edge. This is where you are right now and that is okay!
With consistent practice and patience you will be able to push that edge and go a little bit deeper. I am not talking about pretzel shapes here, but maybe going from being 6 inches away from touching your toes to 3 inches from touching your toes. If it is important to you and you put in consistent effort in a safe environment your body will respond by expanding its abilities.